What is Parcks?
Nowadays people can easily find (free) software on the internet. However, installing it is not as easy as finding it.
Therefore, we introduced Parcks. Parcks takes away the hassle of installing all the required software packages. Invoking one command is the only thing you need to do.
What’s in it for developers?
With Parcks it is possible to standardize the installation of the software you created. This makes it easier for your customers to install your software, as invoking one command is way more easy than figuring out multiple distro-specific commands.
By the way, you as a developer simply need to create a .parcks
file instead of writing the full installation guide per distro. So, it’s a win-win situation.
We are planning to standardize the whole installation process for all the different Linux families. A standardization will make Linux far more user friendly.
The project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. Feel free to support it, check this news article for further info.